Review: The Storyboarding Foundations Course From Bloop Animation

storyboarding course preview

Storyboard course preview by Bloop Blitheness

Review: The Storyboarding Foundations Course From Bloop Animation

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Storyboarding is an amazing task that combines one-office artist, i-part author and one-part director.

Information technology'southward one of the more creative jobs in the entertainment manufacture with storyboarding gigs for everything: games, movies, and Television shows. Simply learning how to storyboard is a tremendous claiming that pushes across simply drawing well.

Bloop Animation has a massive video course titled Storyboarding Foundations covering the procedure of storyboarding for blitheness. It totals over five hours of runtime with 50+ Hd videos teaching the fundamentals of storyboarding from scratch.

It's a massive course and probably the most affordable one you'll find. Just tin it really help yous chief the art of professional person storyboarding?

I'll share my honest thoughts in this review forth with details on what you get in this premium course.

Check Out The Grade

Storyboarding Foundations: An Overview

This truly is an intro to storyboarding from start to finish. It's a guided course where yous work through chapters starting from the very basics of what storyboarding actually entails, then move into more avant-garde topics & software.

You'll learn common film/animation terms forth with how to properly read & depict storyboards.

Many videos likewise talk about directing and how yous should construction shots, how to plan compositions, and how to create conceivable character expressions.

Towards the finish of the course you'll piece of work through sample exercises teaching you lot a professional person's workflow in pop software like Storyboard Pro.

I actually did a full review of Bloop Blitheness's courses so y'all might want to read that to learn more nigh what they offer.

storyboarding preview screen

I think Bloop is one of the all-time online teaching resource for aspiring animators. Bloop covers both second and 3D work and the concepts in this storyboarding course apply to all types of blitheness.

You lot can find a few storyboarding videos on the Bloop YouTube channel merely those barely cover anything compared to this form. The YouTube channel offers free shorter tutorials then you can utilize those videos to check out the didactics manner and see what you think.

And I really savour the Bloop teaching fashion. Information technology feels very laid-dorsum yet informative. None of the videos experience stuffy or pretentious so they're very approachable, plus the exercise videos are super easy to follow forth with.

Some people might actually adopt books on storyboarding since they can be more detailed.

Simply the truth is many artists learn visually by watching and repeating, so Bloop Animation'due south storyboard grade is likely the all-time mode to delve into storyboarding with no experience.

The Form Structure

Storyboarding Foundations comes with ix modules, each with a scattering of videos.

These modules are like chapters that guide you along the learning process. Early videos are super simple explaining how to read a storyboard with camera pans and action shots. But here's a quick wait at all nine modules:

  • Filmmaking Terminology and Concepts
  • Composition
  • The Storyboarding Procedure
  • Storyboarding with Photoshop
  • Storyboarding with SketchUp
  • Storyboard Pro: Preparing a Project
  • Storyboard Pro: Drawing Boards
  • Storyboard Pro: Feedback and Revisions
  • Storyboard Pro: Advanced Animatics

You'll notice the beginning three modules talk about storyboarding as a general concept. These capacity teach you lot how to plan scenes, how to accelerate the story, and how to generally design a storyboard from a concept in your mind.

The later modules talk almost specific programs for storyboarding.

These three programs(Photoshop, SketchUp, and Storyboard Pro) are widely used past industry artists. If y'all plan to work as a storyboard artist then it helps to learn all of these programs.

Most exercises focus on Toon Boom's Storyboard Pro. In fact, this entire Bloop video series feels similar a massive storyboarding course with a mini-grade on how to use this software.

storyboard anatomy
Anatomy of a storyboard preview

Working through the offset three modules may feel a bit like a lecture hall. But that information is vital to understanding how storyboards work.

Even if you've washed a few boards or researched the topic a little on your own, the early on videos will probably still teach you lot new stuff.

With that said, much of the the class is about learning to apply proper software and create storyboards with that software. Then you should definitely practise on your ain too.

Get into a routine of daily storyboarding, fifty-fifty just for 20-30 minutes on paper. You'll meet much greater progress if you're practicing daily.

Think of this course more like the foundation needed to beginning storyboard properly. Past the finish of this course you'll have a lot of underlying knowledge of how storyboards work, but y'all'll withal demand to create your ain boards to do your storytelling and scene design.

Video Assets & Bonus Materials

One time you buy the class you lot immediately go admission to all the videos from your Bloop Animation account.

You tin stream the videos online or download them locally to your estimator. They come as MP4 videos which should work everywhere(desktops & smartphones). The videos are also 1080p Hd which looks crystal-clear on my widescreen monitor.

And this course comes with a few extras to back-trail the videos. Yous can download these right from your user business relationship page by clicking the "extras" link.

extras link bloop animation dashboard
Bloop user dashboard

There's a "form files" .zip folder which includes all the exercise files used throughout the class. Plus you get a pack of costless storyboard templates courtesy of Bloop Animation. How absurd!

This pack includes 6 templates in unlike styles & with different thumbnail sizes. They're big enough to print and they come up in ii formats: PNG and PSD.

If you know your fashion around Photoshop you can customize the PSD storyboard template files to await yet you want.

storyboard templates small preview sample
Six storyboard template files

Plus y'all'll become a full video of a completed animatic from the exercise lessons. You can utilise this to program animatics every bit you exercise storyboarding on your ain.

I have zero but praise for the video quality and the extra form assets. You get access to everything from your Bloop account and everything is downloadable so you can easily save this grade locally too.

What Do You Get From This Course?

And so let's get applied: what volition you take away from following this course? What sort of cognition & skills will you gain from these videos?

The obvious answer is more noesis of storyboarding. But that's kinda vague since storyboarding involves many techniques.

I would not say this course explains as well much about storytelling or screenwriting. That'due south a whole separate discipline and a deep one for sure.

Bloop's Storyboarding Foundations ultimately covers the procedure of reading, planning, and crafting storyboards that brand sense.

Yous'll learn how to design compositions that fit proportionally into any sized storyboard squares. Yous'll learn virtually shots and sequences, some of the most bones directorial terms in filmmaking.

storyboard sample from bloop animation

And you'll learn the entire process of storyboarding from rough sketches to thumbnails, how to practise an initial crude laissez passer and how to shine a final laissez passer to clean upward your work.

It's basically a consummate course on a storyboard creative person'due south workflow to assist yous go from foursquare 1 and move through the complex maze of learning how to storyboard.

A few key topics you'll learn well-nigh:

  • How to programme your compositions
  • How to design storyboards in proper sequence
  • Camera angles, proportions, and setting the scene
  • Following proper storyboarding techniques
  • Designing animatics from your storyboards

Along with all of that yous'll also learn how to apply iii programs for storyboarding: Adobe Photoshop, Toon Boom Storyboard Pro, and SketchUp.

You should be comfortable with at to the lowest degree 2 of those programs if you want to practice whatsoever sort of professional person storyboarding or animation piece of work.

From elementary second boards to 3D environments in SketchUp and everything inbetween, y'all'll walk away with a commanding noesis of the storyboarding process and the best software to use.

Pricing & Course Plans

All Bloop Animation courses sell for a single cost of $67/course when you buy individually.

I think it's a reasonable cost considering everything y'all get in this course. But you can get a disbelieve if you purchase a package of many courses together.

If your but goal is to learn storyboarding you lot may just want to stick to the single plan. But if you're brand new to blitheness and so I recommend the Master Program instead.

This comes with both the Storyboarding + Blitheness Foundations courses along with any 3rd course of your option. Plus this bundle includes Bloop's premium volume Animation For Beginners alongside the 3 video courses, all for a full of $147.

If you become this route you tin nab the Toon Boom course or the TVPaint course along with both foundational courses. You'll stop up saving $85 off regular prices. A pretty nice bargain for everything y'all go.

This parcel feels like a jump start into storyboarding & animation for beginners with all the learning materials yous need to go started.

photoshop storyboard sample bloop course

And Bloop's pricing is definitely reasonable compared to other storyboarding courses… for example Sherm Cohen's "Storyboarding Secrets" charges $500 for the entire affair. Bloop's Storyboarding Foundations course is well-nigh 90% cheaper!

Nobody wants to blow money they don't have, just nobody wants a cheap crappy video grade either.

I remember Bloop strikes a nice residue betwixt quality & price and so it's attainable to most people who seriously desire to learn how to lath.

Final Thoughts

If you're new to animation or storyboarding then I admittedly recommend Bloop's Storyboarding Foundations course.

This is ane of the best introductions to storyboarding for anyone regardless of groundwork.

Even if you lot're new to drawing you tin still selection up this class and learn a ton. Granted yous may non have the fundamental skills necessary to draw perfect storyboards with accuracy. Merely yous can first learning how they piece of work & practice some boarding along with your regular cartoon exercises.

The 6 free storyboarding templates brand for a squeamish little extra too. Y'all tin print copies and apply them traditionally, or use them as templates in any drawing software for storyboarding digitally.

And considering the distinct lack of video courses on storyboarding, I have to praise Bloop's Storyboarding Foundations for doing information technology right. If you lot follow this grade all the way through you'll develop a articulate direction for practicing and improving your storyboarding skills over time.

Anyone serious about storyboarding as a career(or even just for personal projects) volition learn a lot with a copy of the course every bit long as you follow these lessons to a tee.

Simply remember that learning is an ongoing process and then use this course as a jumping off signal for your blitheness piece of work.

Check Out The Course


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